Local Outreach Ministry

Through building bridges in our local community, Redeeming Grace initaites, leads and partners with ministries that care for the most vulnerable in our community. Through equipping our saints, we are able to show the love and compassion of Jesus to our community. We believe that the key to transforming lives for Jesus is through the context of the relationships we build in our neighborhoods.

 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Join us ! We will find a way for you to serve with passion and purpose for the way God has specifically gifted.

1. Micah's Backpack

Since 2010, the Micah’s Backpack program is a successful program designed to feed qualified (and likely) hungry students through a partnership between each elementary school and one or more churches/organizations in the county. This outreach program is sponsored by 52 churches churches (we are one of them) plus other organizations in Washington County who donate food and backpacks, pack the backpacks, and deliver them to elementary schools each week.  You can read more about the county program here.

Last year, more than 1,020 students in 32 Washington County schools were fed in partnerships with these local churches and organizations. Numerous students in Washington County Public Schools receive free lunches at school and likely do not have regular meals during the weekend. 

In 2018, Redeeming Grace Church is serving 20 families with weekend ‘Backpack’ meals. We have 10 families from Cascade school and 10 from E. Russell Hicks. Donation of the foods are made every Sunday in the lobby brought by members of the church. 

Then, each week, a team from the church packs the bags and they are delievered to the schools. 


How Micah’s Backpack Works

Each Friday afternoon students in the program receive a bag (or backpack) of healthy food and snacks.  The filled bag will contain a variety of individual serving-size items donated by the church and supporting program partners. Below is a list of the typical items used in the backpacks. 

How you can help

1. Bring food donations to the church on Sunday mornings. This can include:

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  • cereal
  • oatmeal
  • juice
  • tuna
  • peanut butter
  • crackers 
  • macaroni and cheese
  • soups
  • applesauce
  • fruit cups 
  • spaghetti
  • ravioli
  • beef stew
  • canned vegetables
  • and other nutritious food. 
  • other nutritious pre-packaged food
  • sport drinks
  • raisins packs


2. Volunteer as a bag packer. 

3. Pray for the children and families receiving the food. God can work through the means of donated food to draw attention to Himself. 

4. Pray for other ways the church can support these families (clothes, special dinner at holidays etc)

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5. Pray for God to move the ‘hearts of kings’ Prov 21:1 (principal’s and county officials) to allow church invitation material to be put into the bags as well as other engagement opportunities with the families.  



Send us a note if you would like to serve in this ministry. 


2. Touch the Community

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Touch the Community is an initiative of Redeeming Grace to explore ways which we as a church can literally touch the Smithsburg community. Below is a list of ideas from a brain storming session our church did in the the summer of 2018. These are not meant to be ideas for the church only to do, but opportunities for any of our members to pray, plan and go Touch the Community.

A. Goals of Touching the Community

1- Ways to meet people from the community and hang out with them

2- Serve people

3- Disciple people

4- Evangelize people

5- Serve the Community

B. Ideas (!)

1.    Free car wash

2.    Have a booth at Smithsburg Pride Days

3.    Have a booth at Steam and craft show

a.    Borrow/rent a tractor & build a float 

b.    Have a prayer tent

4.    Do or participate Trunk or Treat events

5.    Host a Harvest Party

6.    Add services to Micha Backpack ministry

a.    Summer meals – can we help?

b.    Take home dinner pkg’s

c.    Christmas presents

d.    Add contact information about TGC

e.    Build relationship with school admin team

7.    Have various social events

a.    Pool party

b.    Playground day with lunch

c.    Game regular night at someone’s house (Bunco)

8.    Widows, Orphans, Shut- Ins, Prison Ministry

a.    Connect with San Mar and Cedar Ridge

b.    Connect with Smithsburg Council @ ways to serve Blue Mountain Estate residents & other shut in’s in the community

c.    Explore existing prison ministries to participate in 

9.    Serve First Responders – Smithsburg EMS, Police, Fire Department

10. Nursing Homes nearby

a.    Explore ways to serve with admin there

b.    Choir/music ministry

c.    Game/checker night/ bingo

d.    Hang out afternoons/evenings

11. Smithsburg Town Council

a.    What other ways can a local church serve the community?

12. Host or participate with a community Vacation Bible School

a.    Smithsburg Valley Church does it Big

b.    Explore partnering with SVC

c.    So we can invite “ everyone from everywhere” (Brad W.)

13. Explore hosting a 'SONDAY' worship event or festival

14. Explore hosting a known mid-tier Christian musician/band with emphasis on evangelism /  sharing the gospel / response team

15. Serve the homeless community

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a.    The Hope Center at Hagerstown Rescue Mission

b.    Reach Caregivers Shelter

c.    Go to the street to the literally homeless

16.Serve veterans in some way

a.    Partner with Smithsburg Veterans Day event

17. Do street preaching

18. Explore/participate with Convoy of Hope

19. Christmas caroling

20. Random worship singing events

21. Summer Series

a.    Worship Dinner Movie at Lions or Veterans Park

b.    Sponsor #21a.

22. Serve Seasonal Migrant workers in the area

a.    Lewis Orchards

b.    Mountain Valley 

c.    Allenburg Orchards 

d.    Ivy Hill Farm

e.    Gardenhour Orchards

f.     Clopper Vegetable farm

23. Youth Ministry Outreach 

a.    Incorporate as part of RGC Youth Redemption Ministry 

24. Serve Special Needs Community 

a.    the disabled

b.    families with terminally ill members

c.    families with medically challenged children

d.    ie – gas cards, baby sitting, visits

e.    ways to serve families with foster children

25. Post High School Young Adult Ministry

a.    Explore ministry, activity, context options

26. Capitalize on availability of excess fresh vegetables/fruits form the Smithsburg agricultural community

a.    Connect those with need for food with available excess foods

27. Serve at Tabitha’s Table food bank

28. Do an attractional  fundraiser event

a.    Car show

b.    Host a BBQ contest with a big prize (i.e $500-$100)

       i.    All participants must make 8 quarts etc 

29. Explore ways to serve Brooklane

a.    Residents

b.    Staff

30. Host a summer ice cream social

a.    “Come Build a Sunday Sundae”


Have more ideas? Send us an email with them! Thanks.