
At Redeeming Grace, we desire to make, mature and multiply disciples with mission partners in other parts of the world.  We believe that a significant role of he American church is to be a part of the forward movement of the gospel in the world. 

As a young church, we presently support one ministry with one overarching goal: to see Jesus Christ's message of hope and forgiveness transform lives. The great commission tells us to proclaim repentance and forgiveness, and  then baptize and teach disciples that God saves through the gospel message so they mature in Christ and in turn, go and make disciples. 

Matt 28:19-20  Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Luke 24:47 -48: “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, 47 and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. 48 You are witnesses of these things. 49 And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.”


Introduction to Gospel Haiti

Gospel Haiti is a mission work located in Oriani, Haiti. God saved Arun Pereira from the dangerous drug culture in Miami and shortly thereafter in found himself on a mission trip to Haiti. He fell in love with the Haitian people and within 2 years founded Gospel Haiti in 2004. His work is driven by two passions - primarily the Gospel and the care and education of the people of Haiti. 

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Brave Productions traveled to Haiti and teamed up with Gospel Haiti Inc. to spread the word on the amazing work that is being done in the mountains of Oriani,Haiti. Visit to find out how you can help and support the children and the leadership team of Gospel Haiti! A Message from Gospel Haiti: On behalf of the Gospel Haiti Team, we want to take this opportunity to welcome you to our ministry! Our work is driven by two passions, the Gospel and the people of Haiti. We are pleased that you have decided to connect with our organization. We encourage you to check out our website and learn more about how you can get involved. Our commitment is to offer opportunity to the underprivileged and empower them to reach their fullest potential.

Here is a brief video about the work in Oriani, Haiti:

Arun lives in Oriani with his wife Marie-Anne and their 3 children Sophia, Timothy and Caleb. 

Gospel Haiti is a Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.


Gospel Haiti School

The way Gospel Haiti is making disciples is through the means of education, by focusing on two aspects.

First, they are discipling teachers to be effective disciple makers, to model Christ likeness in the classroom and become experts in the field of education.  Arun was a professional educator (BS, MS) in the Frederick county school system and wrote the curricula for the school.

Gospel Haiti School is currently our central program. Founded in 2014, in a remote area of the mountains south of the capital, the school is currently serving 50 students. About 30 more students are added each year. 

The school provides a challenging education, Christian discipleship and leadership training to help prepare the next generation of leaders who in turn will impact their communities.

The school's comprehensive program to addresses the intellectual, spiritual, physical and emotional needs of the students:

  • International standard curriculum
  • Food program
  • Daily Bible study time
  • Hygiene training and more.
  • On going college level teacher training
Daily meals

Daily meals

New Library

New Library

Daily school classroom 

Daily school classroom 

Teacher training

Teacher training

Gospel Haiti Community Church

Arun was a member of Living Hope Community Church (Frederick, MD).He came on Redeeming Grace's church plant in 2015 with a desire to plant a church gospel centered church in Oriani. He went through the elder training process for 1 year and was set apart as an elder in June 2016 with 2 elders from LHCC. 

Gospel Haiti Community Church was planted and held their first service in February 2017. 

Redeeming Grace will be sending a team to Oriani in Feb 2019 to begin work on the Gospel Haiti Pastor's Training School. 
