Be watchful, stand firm in faith, act like men, be strong.
Let all you do be done in love. 1 Cor 16:15
Men’s Ministry
At Redeeming Grace, our men’s ministry is designed to bring the message of God’s grace to our men in various contexts. We provide engaging fellowship and encourage the acceptance of their God given roles and responsibilities. We encourage our men to be godly in their personal lives, families, workplace, school, church, and in the community.
We also encourage discipleship in very small groups of 3-4 men to meet on a regular basis for meaningful accountability and application of the gospel in their lives.
Our hope for our men is that each one will have a dynamic and growing relationship with Jesus Christ and other men at Redeeming Grace. The vision that we are building towards is where every man at Redeeming Grace is connected in a significant way with another group of men with whom they can share the joys and trials of life with.
We currently have 3 types of men’s ministries at Redeeming Grace that fall into these categories.
1. Occasional Men’s Fellowship Breakfast. We post our men’s breakfast on the event page when they are scheduled. The location and topic is announced in the events calendar.
2. Men’s Discipleship. This is the most basic of our men’s ministry. Grab 2-3 other guys and begin meeting regularly. Go through a book, talk about Sunday’s sermon, pray for each other, and invite these other men into the deeper crevasses of your life. Allow the gospel to function as you pursue humility and experience His grace. A great context to flow from participation in a grace group.
3. Men’s Retreat. We encourage our men to attend the Young Life Rockbridge Men’s Retreat Weekend and other similar venues. Rockbridge is a well attended retreat each year and a great time of worship, learning, hanging out and fellowship. Information is posted on our events page typically beginning in February.
Men's Worship
2018 Rockbridge Men's Retreat- Steal the cup finalists!
2018 Rockbridge Men's Retreat -looks like Mark missed lunch!
More to come !