Shepherding a Childs Heart - Parents of very Young Children 2016

What Did You Expect- Marriage DVD series by Paul Tripp 2017

Systematic Theology- 20 sessions 2018

How People Change- 12 weeks DVD and discussion by Tim Lane and Paul Trip 2019

Equipped for Servant- servant leadership development that includes theology, care for others and care for the church. 2019-2020

On Radar:

Age of Opportunity - Parenting of Teens

The Meaning of Marriage - Tim Keller DVD Class


Systematic Theology:

The course content is taught by Dr. Grudem via DVD lasting 35-40 minutes. The format for each class is to watch the video together. We'll take a short break and then Pastor Trav, Brad or other teacher will lead a time of discussion, application questions and homework comprehension assignments optional). It's helpful to read ahead before each class. 

Growing in our faith is a challenge we all face. Life is very busy, and this course is an excellent context that's appropriately in-depth, accessible, helpful and biblical. It will hold your attention, and warm and change your heart while helping you to grow in a keener understanding of the gospel and faith in Christ. This course material is trustworthy, reputable, built on sound doctrine and biblical truth. 

'Christian Beliefs' is a DVD discipleship and training course with world class theologian, Dr. Wayne Grudem. Grudem's books are used in seminaries all over the world to train pastors and leaders. His powerful, clear, heartfelt and pastoral teaching is available to all who desire to grow in their faith. Many resonate with the apostle Paul's heart cry, "that I may know him and the power of His resurrection." If you are one of them, or you want to be, this course is for you.

Fundamental Systematic Theology
Systematic theology is any study that answers the question "What does the bible teach us today?" about any given topic. It serves the church well by organizing God's word into logical categories. When done well, it demonstrates the dynamic, organic interrelationship between complimentary truths in scripture. There are multiple levels to engage systematic theology and this course is designed to be an introductory and/or intermediate level course with material accessible to every Christian hungry to know more about the essentials of the Christian faith.